Lincoln Pantiles 

The Lincoln pantile is similar to our ‘Barco’ Old English Pantile, with extra depth in the pan along with a bolder roll helps to create carefully proportioned tile. 

Produced since the early 1900’s 

This profile is truly unique to William Blyth, produced since the early 1900’s, using long established craftsmanship and materials. 
The Lincoln pantile compliments any building whether old or new. Making it an ideal choice for heritage and conservation work. Available in all four colours, Natural Red, Weathered, Light Antique and Dark Earth. For further details please email 

Technical Information 

Minimum Roof Pitch 
Headlap (minimum) 
75 mm 
Batten spacing* 
257mm - 267mm 
Size of tile* 
343mm x 280mm 
Cover capacity 
17.5 per m² 
Profile Depth 
60 mm 
Hanging length 
310 mm 
Weight per tile 
2.8 kg 
Weight as laid 
49 kg per m² 
Quantity per pallet 
Weight per pallet 
1280 kg 
Batten size 
Up to 450mm rafter centres: 38mm x 25mm 
Up to 600mm rafter centres: 50mm x 25mm 
Nail size / type for tiles 
38mm x 2.65 mm aluminium clout nails 
*Handmade clay tiles are subject to small variations in size because of the drying and firing shrinkage within the manufacturing process. Before deciding on the batten gauge and linear coverage, the roof tiler should inspect each batch of tiles to ensure that the correct minimum head lap and side lap are achieved. Unless otherwise stated, specification and fixing guide is based on the tiles laid at minimum head lap. 
For further details please email